Remote Learning
In this blog, I will talk to you about how I approached my remote learning for my level 3 sports course for the second half of my first year at Club Doncaster Sports College.
How I Approached Remote Learning
After the COVID pandemic affected the UK and the world got put into lockdown, remote learning for the rest of my first year began.
Remote learning was not an issue for me as I am pretty proactive, and I had all resources to help me get my coursework done, which did benefit me a lot.
My coursework’s theory side was straightforward in terms of using assignment briefs, my notes, and research.
The practical aspect of one of my units, fitness testing, was quite challenging to complete as we all had a partner. With social distancing and restriction measures, we could not meet the practical aspect of the unit.
I would recommend making sure you can complete your coursework anywhere possible. Make sure you have all systems downloaded or bookmarked on your phone, iPad/tablet or laptop. All resources you have access to from your provider can continue from your home as usual to complete your remote learning.

All Professions Who Were Affected & How They Adapted To Working From Home
During my remote learning in lockdown, I thought of all the affected professions. I could not work from home like myself, for example, a sports coach. How could they have taught students physical activity, especially at younger ages in primary schools?
Throughout all professions, the people who had to adapt to working from home didn’t just have to adapt to their environment. They had to adjust the routines and find out different ways to do certain aspects of their job.
Speaking To Physiotherapist In My Local Area
As my goal is to have a career as a physiotherapist. I tried to think about how they adapted to the current pandemic situation and if this affected them retaining clients.
As I mentioned in my last blog, I spoke to physiotherapists in my local area. Due to restrictions, they can not complete or carry out face-to-face appointments during the lockdown.
They are carrying out telephone consultations where they diagnose your issue/injury and provide you with some exercises to help if they can.
Many people throughout the pandemic had to adapt their working and personal lives for their life to move on smoothly.
The benefits of this new way of working are that not as much time is wasted or used. This allows physiotherapists to either fit more patients in or have more time allocated to the patients that need more support.
The negative of this is that they may need some physical treatment for someone who is struggling physically, which can not be carried out due to social distancing and mixing households.
The Support I Received From College
Throughout this challenging time, the college tried their best to support us in every way possible the best that they could.
Before we went to remote Learning one lesson at college, we spent the entire time downloading apps we would need to complete work from home and communications for us to talk to tours if needs be.
As a college, we used google classrooms for all of our work, google drive, and google docs, slides, etc.
We used google hangouts to communicate with tutors from college if we have any questions or if they need to make an announcement.
Every week we had check-in calls to see how everyone was getting on with the assignments and any questions about the work.
Throughout lockdown, I would recommend that you communicate with your tutors. This will affect your grade and the level of work that you produce if you don’t.